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You're here:  Los Angeles > Pets & Animals > Exotic Pets & Reptiles > Excellent And Adorable Yorkshire Terrier puppies
Excellent And Adorable Yorkshire Terrier puppies
Price: Free
Visits: 800

Date Posted: 6/18/2012 9:41:08 AM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: miranda  
Address: , california, USA 90001  
There are Males And Females Teacup Yorkshire Terrier puppies to give it out for adoption my cute Puppies are ready to go out to a good and caring home. They are top shelf puppies they are AKC registered, tails ducked. They just seems Magnificent in every thing you would want in your Yorkie Pup and more. Top quality in all traits. Loving, healthy and playful with kids and other pets. Feel free to contact Us miranda. Kacy@yahoo. Com Thanks waiting.

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